import asyncio import os import re import unicodedata import bcrypt as bcrypt import markdown import tornado import tornado.web def maybe_create_tables(db): with db.cursor() as cur: # cur.execute("DROP TABLE users ") cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (" " id int(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE," " name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL," " hashed_password VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL," " author int(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0" ")") cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entries (" " id int(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," " author_id INT(5) NOT NULL REFERENCES authors(id)," " slug VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE," " title VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL," " markdown TEXT NOT NULL," " html TEXT NOT NULL," " published TIMESTAMP NOT NULL," " updated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL" ")") db.commit() class NoResultError(BaseException): pass class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def row_to_obj(self, row, cur): """Convert a SQL row to an object supporting dict and attribute access.""" obj = tornado.util.ObjectDict() for val, desc in zip(row, cur.description): obj[desc[0]] = row[desc[0]] return obj def execute(self, stmt, *args): """Execute a SQL statement. Must be called with ``await self.execute(...)`` """ with self.application.db.cursor() as cur: cur.execute(stmt, args) self.application.db.commit() def query(self, stmt, *args): """Query for a list of results. Typical usage:: results = await self.query(...) Or:: for row in await self.query(...) """ with self.application.db.cursor() as cur: cur.execute(stmt, args) return [self.row_to_obj(row, cur) for row in cur.fetchall()] def queryone(self, stmt, *args): """Query for exactly one result. Raises NoResultError if there are no results, or ValueError if there are more than one. """ results = self.query(stmt, *args) if len(results) == 0: raise NoResultError() elif len(results) > 1: raise ValueError("Expected 1 result, got %d" % len(results)) return results[0] def prepare(self): # get_current_user cannot be a coroutine, so set # self.current_user in prepare instead. user_id = self.get_secure_cookie("blogdemo_user") if user_id: self.current_user = self.queryone("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = %s", int(user_id)) def any_users_exists(self): return bool(self.query("SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 1")) class BlogComposeHandler(BaseHandler): @tornado.web.authenticated async def get(self): user = self.current_user idarticle = self.get_argument("id", None) entry = None if idarticle: entry = self.queryone("SELECT * FROM entries WHERE id = %s", int(idarticle)) self.render("blog\\compose.html", entry=entry, user=user) @tornado.web.authenticated async def post(self): id = self.get_argument("id", None) title = self.get_argument("title") text = self.get_argument("markdown") html = markdown.markdown(text) if id: try: entry = self.queryone("SELECT * FROM entries WHERE id = %s", int(id)) except NoResultError: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) slug = entry.slug self.execute( "UPDATE entries SET title = %s, markdown = %s, html = %s " "WHERE id = %s", title, text, html, int(id)) else: slug = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", title) slug = re.sub(r"[^\w]+", " ", slug) slug = "-".join(slug.lower().strip().split()) slug = slug.encode("ascii", "ignore").decode("ascii") if not slug: slug = "entry" while True: e = self.query("SELECT * FROM entries WHERE slug = %s", slug) if not e: break slug += "-2" self.execute( "INSERT INTO entries (author_id,title,slug,markdown,html,published,updated)" "VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)",, title, slug, text, html) self.redirect("/blog/entry/" + slug) class IndexHandler(BaseHandler): async def get(self): self.render("index.html") class AuthLoginHandler(BaseHandler): async def get(self): get_arg = self.get_argument self.render("auth/login.html", error=None, get_arg=get_arg) async def post(self): try: user = self.queryone("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = %s", self.get_argument("email")) except NoResultError: get_arg = self.get_argument self.render("auth/login.html", error="Email not found or bad password", get_arg=get_arg) return verified = await tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().run_in_executor( None, bcrypt.checkpw, tornado.escape.utf8(self.get_argument("password")), user.hashed_password.encode("utf-8")) if verified: self.set_secure_cookie("blogdemo_user", str( self.redirect(self.get_argument("next", "/")) else: get_arg = self.get_argument self.render("auth/login.html", error="Email not found or bad password", get_arg=get_arg) class AuthLogoutHandler(BaseHandler): def get(self): self.clear_cookie("blogdemo_user") self.redirect(self.get_argument("next", "/")) class AuthCreateHandler(BaseHandler): async def get(self): get_arg = self.get_argument self.render("auth/create_user.html", error=None, get_arg=get_arg) async def post(self): hashed_password = await tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().run_in_executor( None, bcrypt.hashpw, tornado.escape.utf8(self.get_argument("password")), bcrypt.gensalt() ) try: get_arg = self.get_argument self.execute("INSERT INTO users (email, name, hashed_password) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", self.get_argument("email"), self.get_argument("name"), tornado.escape.to_unicode(hashed_password)) users = self.queryone("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = %s", self.get_argument("email")) except: self.render("auth/create_user.html", error="Email already exists.", get_arg=get_arg) self.set_secure_cookie("blogdemo_user", str( self.redirect(self.get_argument("next", "/")) class BlogHomeHandler(BaseHandler): async def get(self): entries = self.query("SELECT * FROM entries ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT 5") if not entries: self.redirect("/blog/compose") return self.render("blog/index.html", entries=entries) class BlogPostHandler(BaseHandler): async def get(self, slug): entry = self.queryone("SELECT * FROM entries WHERE slug = %s", slug) if not entry: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) self.render("blog/entry.html", entry=entry) class BotConnectHandler(BaseHandler): pass class BotConfigureHandler(BaseHandler): pass class BotHelpHandler(BaseHandler): async def get(self): self.render("bot/help.html") class BlogEntryModule(tornado.web.UIModule): def render(self, entry): return self.render_string("blog/modules/entry.html", entry=entry) class FoWeb(tornado.web.Application): def __init__(self, bot, db): self.db = db maybe_create_tables(self.db) handlers = [ (r"/", IndexHandler), (r"/blog/compose", BlogComposeHandler), (r"/auth/login", AuthLoginHandler), (r"/auth/logout", AuthLogoutHandler), (r"/auth/create", AuthCreateHandler), (r"/blog", BlogHomeHandler), (r"/blog/entry/([^/]+)", BlogPostHandler), (r"/bot/connect", BotConnectHandler), (r"/bot/configure", BotConfigureHandler), (r"/bot/help", BotHelpHandler) ] settings = dict( website_title=u"FoBot", template_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates"), static_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static"), xsrf_cookies=True, ui_modules={"BlogEntry": BlogEntryModule}, cookie_secret="__TODO:_GENERATE_YOUR_OWN_RANDOM_VALUE_HERE__", login_url="/auth/login", debug=True, ) super(FoWeb, self).__init__(handlers, **settings) def get_task(self): return asyncio.ensure_future(tornado.ioloop.Future())