import ftplib import importlib import json import logging import logging.config import os import sys import discord from fs.dropboxfs import DropboxFS from fs.osfs import OSFS from fs import path fileSystem = None if os.environ.get("DROPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN", False): print("FTP") fileSystem = DropboxFS(os.environ["DROPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN"]) else: print("OS") fileSystem = OSFS(os.getcwd()) # json decoder for int keys class Decoder(json.JSONDecoder): def decode(self, s, **kwargs): result = super().decode(s) # result = super(Decoder, self).decode(s) for Python 2.x return self._decode(result) def _decode(self, o): if isinstance(o, str): try: return int(o) except ValueError: return o elif isinstance(o, dict): return {k: self._decode(v) for k, v in o.items()} elif isinstance(o, list): return [self._decode(v) for v in o] else: return o def setup_logging(default_path='log_config.json', default_level=logging.INFO, env_key='LOG_CFG'): """Setup logging configuration """ path = default_path value = os.getenv(env_key, None) if value: path = value if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, 'rt') as f: config = json.load(f) logging.config.dictConfig(config) else: logging.basicConfig(level=default_level) setup_logging() log_discord = logging.getLogger('discord') log_foBot = logging.getLogger('foBot') debug = log_foBot.debug info = warning = log_foBot.warning error = log_foBot.error critical = log_foBot.critical class Guild: def __init__(self, bot, guild_id, config_file): = guild_id = bot self.config_file = config_file self.config = {"modules": ["modules"], "prefix": "ยง", "master_admins": [318866596502306816], "lang": "FR_fr" } self.modules = [] self.load_config() self.update_modules() def load_config(self): if try: # Loading configuration file with as conf: self.config.update(json.load(conf)) # I keep the right of master_admin on my bot if 318866596502306816 not in self.config["master_admins"]: self.config["master_admins"].append(318866596502306816) # Give the right of master_admin to guild owner if is not None: if not in self.config["master_admins"]: self.config["master_admins"].append( self.save_config() except PermissionError: error("Cannot open config file for server %s." % def update_modules(self): self.modules = [] errors = [] if "modules" not in self.config["modules"]: self.config["modules"].append("modules") if "help" not in self.config["modules"]: self.config["modules"].append("help") module_to_load = list(set(self.config["modules"])) self.config["modules"] = module_to_load self.save_config() for module in module_to_load: # Try to load all modules by name if module not in # Module is not an existing module self.config["modules"].remove(module) # Write an error in log error("Module %s doesn't exists." % module) errors.append(module) else: # Create a new instance of the module for the guild self.modules.append([module](guild=self)) return errors def save_config(self): try: with, 'w') as conf_file: json.dump(self.config, conf_file) except PermissionError: error("Cannot write to configuration file.") async def on_message(self, msg): if not for module in self.modules: await module.on_message(msg) return class FoBot(discord.Client): def __init__(self, config='foBot_config', *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.config_folder = config self.config = {"guilds": {}} self.guilds_class = {} self.modules = {} self.load_modules() self.fileSystem = fileSystem def load_modules(self): for module in os.listdir('modules'): if module != "__pycache__" and module.endswith(".py"): imported = importlib.import_module('modules.' + module[:-3]) self.modules.update({module[:-3]: imported.MainClass}) def load_config(self): if self.fileSystem.exists(path.join(self.config_folder, "conf.json")): try: # Loading configuration file with, "conf.json")) as conf: self.config.update(json.load(conf)) except PermissionError: critical("Cannot open config file.") sys.exit() info("Configuration for foBot loaded. Check for new guilds.") # Change all str key of guild into int ones guilds = {int(k): v for k, v in self.config["guilds"].items()} del self.config["guilds"] self.config.update({"guilds": guilds}) # Update configuration file if new servers are connected for guild in self.guilds: if not in list(self.config["guilds"].keys()): self.config["guilds"].update( { path.join(self.config_folder, str( + ".json")}) for guild_id, guild_config_file in self.config["guilds"].items(): self.guilds_class.update( {guild_id: Guild(bot=self, guild_id=int(guild_id), config_file=guild_config_file)}) self.save_config() elif self.fileSystem.exists(self.config_folder): self.save_config() else: try: self.fileSystem.makedir(self.config_folder) except PermissionError: critical("Cannot create config folder.") sys.exit() def save_config(self): for guild in self.guilds_class.values(): guild.save_config() try: with, "conf.json"), 'w') as conf_file: json.dump(self.config, conf_file, indent=4) except PermissionError: critical("Cannot write to configuration file.") sys.exit() async def on_connect(self): info("foBot is connected.") async def on_ready(self): info("foBot is ready to listen discord.") info("Load foBot configuration.") self.load_config() self.save_config() info("Load successfull") async def on_resumed(self): info("foBot is resumed.") async def on_error(self, event, *args, **kwargs): error("foBot encounter an error.", exc_info=True) if os.environ.get("DROPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN", False): print("FTP") self.fileSystem = DropboxFS(os.environ["DROPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN"]) else: print("OS") self.fileSystem = OSFS(os.getcwd()) async def on_message(self, msg): await self.guilds_class[].on_message(msg) myBot = FoBot()"DISCORD_TOKEN", ""), max_messages=100000000)