[OPT TP3] Avant dernière question

This commit is contained in:
Suwako Moriya 2020-10-10 16:17:42 +02:00
parent 41d8036710
commit f278b85576
3 changed files with 186 additions and 0 deletions

SPE/IPT/TP Avalanche/main.py Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
n = 50
m = 50
sol = [[2*(n-i) for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)]
neige = [[100 if i<5*n/10 and i>2*n/10 and j>3*n/10 and j<7*n/10 else 0 for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)]
positions = [(i,j) for i in (-1,0,1) for j in (-1,0,1)]
for i in range(m+1):

SPE/IPT/TP2 Tris/main.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
def tab_alea(n, mini=0, maxi=1e6):
return [random.randint(mini, maxi) for _ in range(n)]
def tri_bulle(l):
t = l[::]
perm = True
n = len(t)
while perm:
perm = False
for j in range(0, n-1):
if t[j] > t[j+1]:
t[j], t[j+1] = t[j+1], t[j]
perm = True
return t
def indice_mini(m, i, j):
im = i
for k in range(i, j):
if m[k] < m[im]:
im = k
return im
def tri_selection(l):
t = l[::]
n = len(t)
for i in range(n):
im = indice_mini(t, i, n)
t[i], t[im] = t[im], t[i]
return t
def place(x, m):
ind = 0
n = len(m)
while ind<n and x>m[ind]:
ind += 1
return ind
def tri_insertion(l):
t = l[::]
n = len(t)
triee = []
for i in range(0, n):
k = place(t[i], triee)
triee = triee[:k] + [t[i]] + triee[k:]
return triee
def tri_insertion_en_place(l):
t = l[::]
n = len(t)
for i in range(0, n):
k = 0
while k<i and t[i]>t[k]:
for j in range(i-1, k-1, -1):
t[j+1], t[j] = t[j], t[j+1]
return t
def fusionne(t1, t2):
w = []
n1 = len(t1)
n2 = len(t2)
ind1 = ind2 = 0
while ind1 < n1 and ind2 < n2:
if t1[ind1] < t2[ind2]:
ind1 += 1
ind2 +=1
for el in t1[ind1:]+t2[ind2:]:
return w
def tri_fusion(t):
n = len(t)
if n <= 1:
return t
return fusionne(tri_fusion(t[:n//2]), tri_fusion(t[n//2:]))
def quicksort(t):
n = len(t)
if n <= 1:
return t
pivot = t[0]
tg, t_pivots, td = [], [], []
for i in range(n):
if t[i] < pivot:
elif t[i] == pivot:
return quicksort(tg) + t_pivots + quicksort(td)

SPE/OPT/TP 3/main.ml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
type 'a arbre =
| Vide
| Noeud of int * 'a * 'a arbre * 'a arbre;;
let taille t = match t with
| Vide -> 0
| Noeud(i,_,_,_) -> i;;
let rec hauteur t = match t with
| Vide -> -1
| Noeud(_,_,fg, fd) -> 1 + max (hauteur fg) (hauteur fd);;
let creer_noeud a fg fd = Noeud((1+(taille fg)+(taille fd)), a, fg, fd);;
let rec recalculer_taille t = match t with
|Vide -> Vide
|Noeud(_,a,fg,fd) -> creer_noeud a (recalculer_taille fg) (recalculer_taille fd);;
let test =recalculer_taille (creer_noeud 5 (Noeud(1,0,Noeud(2,-2,Vide,Vide),Noeud(1,2,Noeud(0,1,Vide,Vide),Noeud(1,3,Vide,Vide)))) (Noeud(0, 10, Vide, Vide)));;
let elements t =
let rec aux acc f = match f with
| Vide -> acc
| Noeud(i, e, fg, fd) -> aux (e::(aux acc fg)) fd in
List.rev (aux [] t);;
elements test;;
(* II ABR avec annotations de taille *)
(*5 : Le parcours infixe est croissant si et seulement si l'arbre est un ABR *)
let est_abr t=
let rec croiss l = match l with
| a::b::t -> (a < b) && croiss (b::t)
| _ -> true in
croiss (elements t);;
est_abr test;;
let rec contient e t = match t with
| Vide -> false
| Noeud(i,a,fg,fd) -> if e = a then true
else if e > a then contient e fd
else contient e fg;;
contient (-3) test;;
let rec insere e t = match t with
| Vide -> creer_noeud e Vide Vide
| Noeud(i, a, fg, fd) -> if e > a then creer_noeud a fg (insere e fd)
else creer_noeud a (insere e fg) fd;;
let rec construit l n = match n with
| 0 -> (Vide,l)
| _ -> let (t1, h::reste) = construit l (n/2) in let (t2, r) = construit reste ((n-1)/2) in (creer_noeud h t1 t2, r);;
construit [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8] 8;;
let alpha = 0.7;;
let reconstruit t = match t with
|Vide -> Vide
|Noeud(i, _, _ ,_) -> fst (construit (elements t) i);;
reconstruit test;;
let rebalance t = match t with
|Vide -> Vide
|Noeud(i,_,fg,fd) -> let n = float_of_int i in if ((taille fg) < alpha*.n ) && ((taille fd) < alpha*.n) then t else reconstruit t;;
alpha* float_of_int.5;;