import datetime import time import discord import humanize import matplotlib.pyplot as np import utils.emojis from modules.base import BaseClassPython class MainClass(BaseClassPython): name = "Perdu" help = { "description": "Module donnant les statistiques sur les perdants", "commands": { "`{prefix}{command}`": "Donne le classement des perdants de la semaine", "`{prefix}{command} all`": "Donne le classement des perdants depuis toujours", "`{prefix}{command} `": "Donne le classement des perdants sur la durée spécifiée", "`{prefix}{command} stats [@mention]`": "Donne les statistiques d'un perdant.", "`{prefix}{command} stats history": "Affiche un graphique avec le nombre de pertes." } } def __init__(self, client): super().__init__(client) self.config.init({"channel": 0, "lost_role": 0, "min_delta": datetime.timedelta(minutes=26).total_seconds()}) self.history = {} async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message): # Fill history if return if == if not in self.history.keys(): # Add new user if not found self.history.update( { ([(message.created_at, datetime.timedelta(seconds=0)), ])} ) else: # Update user and precompute timedelta delta = message.created_at - self.history[][-1][0] if delta.total_seconds() >= self.config.min_delta: self.history[].append((message.created_at, delta)) await self.parse_command(message) async def fill_history(self): self.history = {} async for message in self.client.get_channel( if not in self.history.keys(): # Add new user if not found self.history.update({ ([(message.created_at, datetime.timedelta(seconds=0)), ])}) else: # Update user and precompute timedelta delta = self.history[][-1][0] - message.created_at if delta.total_seconds() >= self.config.min_delta: self.history[].append((message.created_at, delta)) for user in self.history.keys(): self.history[user].sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) def get_top(self, top=10, since=datetime.datetime(year=1, month=1, day=1), with_user=None, only_users=None): """Return [(userid, [(date, delta), (date,delta), ...]), ... ]""" # Extract only messages after until if only_users is not None: # Extract data for only_users messages = [] for user in only_users: try: if self.history[user][-1][0] >= since: messages.append((user, [message for message in self.history[user] if message[0] > since])) except KeyError: pass messages.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True) return messages if with_user is None: with_user = [] # Extract TOP top users, and with_users data messages = [] for user in self.history.keys(): if self.history[user][-1][0] >= since: messages.append((user, [message for message in self.history[user] if message[0] > since])) messages.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True) # Extract top-ten saved_messages = messages[:min(top, len(messages))] # Add with_user saved_messages.extend([message for message in messages if message[0] in with_user]) return saved_messages async def com_fill(self, message: discord.Message, args, kwargs): if self.auth( async with await self.fill_history() await"Fait.") async def com_all(self, message: discord.Message, args, kwargs): # Get all stats top = self.get_top() intervales = [sum(list(zip(*top[i][1]))[1], datetime.timedelta(0)) / len(top[i][1]) for i in range(len(top))] embed_description = "\n".join( f"{utils.emojis.write_with_number(i)} : <@{top[i][0]}> a **perdu {len(top[i][1])} fois** depuis la" f" création du salon à en moyenne **" f"{(str(intervales[i].days) + ' jours et' if intervales[i].days else '')} " f"{str(int(intervales[i].total_seconds() % (24 * 3600) // 3600)) + ':' if intervales[i].total_seconds() > 3600 else ''}" f"{int((intervales[i].total_seconds() % 3600) // 60)} " f"{'heures' if intervales[i].total_seconds() > 3600 else 'minutes'} d'intervalle.**" for i in range(len(top)) )[:2000] await"G-Perdu - Tableau des scores", description=embed_description, color=self.config.color)) async def com_stats(self, message: discord.Message, args, kwargs): # TODO: Finir sum if not ((not False or (not False or not ("sum" in args))) or not True): if message.mentions: top = self.get_top(only_users=[ for mention in message.mentions] + []) else: # TOP 5 + auteur top = self.get_top(top=5, with_user=[]) dates = [] new_top = {} for t in top: for date, _ in t[1]: dates.append(date) dates.sort() dates.append( + datetime.timedelta(days=1)) for t in top: user = t[0] new_top.update({user: ([dates[0]], [0])}) i = 0 for date, _ in t[1]: while date < dates[i]: new_top[user][0].append(dates[i]) new_top[user][1].append(new_top[user][1][-1]) i += 1 new_top[user][0].append(date) new_top[user][1].append(new_top[user][1][-1] + 1) to_plot = [t[1][1:] for t in new_top.values()] np.xlabel("Temps", fontsize=30) np.ylabel("Score", fontsize=30) np.title("Évolution du nombre de perdu au cours du temps.", fontsize=40) np.legend() file_name = f"/tmp/{time.time()}.png" np.savefig(file_name, bbox_inches='tight') await if "history" in args: since = datetime.datetime(year=1, month=1, day=1) debut_message = "la création du salon" top = 5 if "s" in [k[0] for k in kwargs]: try: d = [k[1] for k in kwargs if k[0] == "s"][0] since = - datetime.timedelta(days=float(d)) debut_message = humanize.naturalday(, format='le %d %b') except ValueError: pass if "t" in [k[0] for k in kwargs]: try: top = int([k[1] for k in kwargs if k[0] == "t"][0]) except ValueError: pass # Si mention, alors uniquement les mentions if message.mentions: top = self.get_top(since=since, only_users=[ for mention in message.mentions]) else: # TOP 5 + auteur top = self.get_top(since=since, top=top, with_user=[]) new_top = {} for t in top: c = 0 counts = [] dates = [] for date, _ in t[1]: c += 1 counts.append(c) dates.append(date) new_top.update({t[0]: (dates, counts)}) np.figure(num=None, figsize=(25, 15), dpi=120, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') for user, (dates, counts) in new_top.items(): np.plot_date(dates, counts, linestyle='-', label=str(self.client.get_user(user).name)) np.xlabel("Temps", fontsize=30) np.ylabel("Score", fontsize=30) np.legend(fontsize=20) np.title(f"Évolution du nombre de perdu au cours du temps depuis {debut_message}.", fontsize=35) file_name = f"/tmp/{time.time()}.png" np.savefig(file_name, bbox_inches='tight') await async def command(self, message, args, kwargs): if message.mentions: await self.com_stats(message, args, kwargs) since = - datetime.timedelta(days=7) if args[0]: try: since = - datetime.timedelta(days=float(args[0])) except ValueError: pass top = self.get_top(10, since) intervales = [sum(list(zip(*top[i][1]))[1], datetime.timedelta(0)) / len(top[i][1]) for i in range(len(top))] embed_description = "\n".join( f"{utils.emojis.write_with_number(i)} : <@{top[i][0]}> a **perdu {len(top[i][1])} fois** depuis " f"{humanize.naturalday(, format='le %d %b')} à en moyenne **" f"{(str(intervales[i].days) + ' jours et' if intervales[i].days else '')} " f"{str(int(intervales[i].total_seconds() % (24 * 3600) // 3600)) + ':' if intervales[i].total_seconds() > 3600 else ''}" f"{int((intervales[i].total_seconds() % 3600) // 60)} " f"{'heures' if intervales[i].total_seconds() > 3600 else 'minutes'} d'intervalle.**" for i in range(len(top)) )[:2000] await"G-Perdu - Tableau des scores", description=embed_description, color=self.config.color))