from math import atan, cos, sin, pi from typing import List, Any, Tuple from PIL import Image, ImageDraw """ A lib to draw fractals on pillow image >>> img ='RGB', (5000, 5000), (0, 0, 0)) >>> figures = Figures(im=img) >>> figures.von_koch_curve_flake((2500, 2500), 2000,6) >>>"test.bmp")""" class State: """State of Lsystem""" width: int color: Tuple[int, int, int] angle: int y: int x: int def __init__(self): """Initialisation of state >>> State().x 0 >>> State().y 0 >>> State().angle 0 >>> State().color (255, 255, 255) >>> State().width 0""" self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.angle = 0 self.color = (255, 255, 255) self.width = 0 class Lsystem(ImageDraw.ImageDraw): """Draw a L system""" state: State states: List[State] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialisation Parameters are the same than ImageDraw.__init__""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.states = [] self.state = State() def _right(self, angle): """Turn pen to right of angle :param angle: Angle to rotate :type angle: float """ self.state.angle -= angle def _left(self, angle): """Turn pen to left of angle :param angle: Angle to rotate :type angle: float """ self.state.angle += angle def _forward(self, distance): """Forward pen of distance :param distance: Distance to forward :type distance: float """ x_2: float = (distance * cos(self.state.angle)) + self.state.x y_2: float = (distance * sin(self.state.angle)) + self.state.y self.line(((self.state.x, self.state.y), (x_2, y_2)), self.state.color, self.state.width) self.state.x, self.state.y = x_2, y_2 def _backward(self, distance): """Backward pen of distance :param distance: Distance to backward :type distance: float """ self._forward(-distance) def _save(self): """Save state of pen""" self.states.append(self.state) def _restore(self): """Restore last pen state""" self.state = self.states[-1] del self.states[-1] def draw_l(self, start, replacement, constants, nb_recursive, color = (255, 255, 255), width=0): """Draw a L system :param start: Axiome :param replacement: Dictionary which contain replacement values (F->F+F-F-F+F) :param constants: Dictionary which contain all elements with there function :param nb_recursive: Number of recursion :param color: Color to use for the drawing :param width: The line width, in pixels :type start: str :type replacement: dict :type constants: dict :type nb_recursive: int :type color: tuple(int, int, int) :type width: int """ self.state.color = color self.state.width = width for i in range(nb_recursive): for key, value in replacement.items(): start = start.replace(key, value) for item in start: constants[item]() def right(self, angle): """Return a lambda function which make pen turning of angle radians to right :param angle: Angle to build function :type angle: float :return: lambda function to make pen turning right :rtype: lambda""" return lambda: self._right(angle) def left(self, angle): """Return a lambda function which make pen turning of angle radians to left :param angle: Angle to build function :type angle: float :return: lambda function to make pen turning left :rtype: lambda""" return lambda: self._left(angle) def forward(self, distance): """Return a lambda function which make pen forward of distance :param distance: Distance to build function :type distance: float :return: lambda function to make pen forward :rtype: lambda""" return lambda: self._forward(distance) def backward(self, distance): """Return a lambda function which make pen backward of distance :param distance: Distance to build function :type distance: float :return: lambda function to make pen backward :rtype: lambda""" return lambda: self._backward(distance) def save(self): """Return a lambda function which save state of pen :return: lambda function to save pen state :rtype: lambda""" return lambda: self._save() def restore(self): """Return a lambda function which restore state of pen :return: lambda function to restore pen state :rtype: lambda""" return lambda: self._restore() class Figures(ImageDraw.ImageDraw): """A lot of function to create some well-know shapes""" def von_koch_curve_flake(self, origin, radius, iterations, angle=0, color=None, width=0): """Draw thee von koch flake on image. :param origin: coordinate of the center of circumscribed circle of main triangle :param radius: radius of circumscribed circle of main triangle :param iterations: iterations for the drawings :param angle: rotation of main triangle :param color: color to use for the lines :param width: the line width, in pixels :type radius: float :type origin: tuple :type iterations: int :type angle: float :type color: tuple :type width: int""" angle = angle + pi / 2 summit_1 = (origin[0] + cos(angle) * radius, origin[1] + sin(angle) * radius) summit_2 = (origin[0] + cos(angle + 2 / 3 * pi) * radius, origin[1] + sin(angle + 2 / 3 * pi) * radius) summit_3 = (origin[0] + cos(angle - 2 / 3 * pi) * radius, origin[1] + sin(angle - 2 / 3 * pi) * radius) self.von_koch_curve(summit_2, summit_1, iterations, color, width) self.von_koch_curve(summit_3, summit_2, iterations, color, width) self.von_koch_curve(summit_1, summit_3, iterations, color, width) @staticmethod def _int(value): """Make a tuple of float coordinate into tuple of int coordinate :param value: Tuple to convert :type value: tuple(float, float) :return: new tuple with int values :rtype: tuple(int, int)""" return int(value[0]), int(value[1]) def von_koch_curve(self, origin, finish, iterations=1, color=None, width=0): """Draw thee von koch flake on image. :param origin: coordinate of the starting point :param finish: coordinate of the ending point :param iterations: iterations for the drawings :param color: color to use for the lines :param width: the line width, in pixels :type origin: tuple :type finish: tuple :type iterations: int :type color: tuple :type width: int""" third = origin[0] + (finish[0] - origin[0]) * 1 / 3, origin[1] + (finish[1] - origin[1]) * 1 / 3 two_third = origin[0] + (finish[0] - origin[0]) * 2 / 3, origin[1] + (finish[1] - origin[1]) * 2 / 3 length = (((origin[0] - finish[0]) ** 2 + (origin[1] - finish[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5) / 3 angle = atan((finish[1] - origin[1]) / (finish[0] - origin[0])) angle_total = angle + pi / 3 if origin[0] > finish[0]: angle_total += pi summit = (cos(angle_total) * length + third[0], sin(angle_total) * length + third[1]) if iterations <= 1: self.line([self._int(origin), self._int(third), self._int(summit), self._int(two_third), self._int(finish)], color, width) else: self.von_koch_curve(self._int(origin), self._int(third), iterations - 1, color, width) self.von_koch_curve(self._int(third), self._int(summit), iterations - 1, color, width) self.von_koch_curve(self._int(summit), self._int(two_third), iterations - 1, color, width) self.von_koch_curve(self._int(two_third), self._int(finish), iterations - 1, color, width) if __name__ == "__main__": img ='RGB', (5000, 5000), (0, 0, 0)) figures = Figures(im=img) figures.von_koch_curve_flake((2500, 2500), 2000, 6)"D:\\Users\\louis chauvet\\Documents\\GitHub\\fractale\\test.bmp") img ='RGB', (5000, 5000), (255, 255, 255)) figures = Lsystem(im=img) figures.state.x, figures.state.y = 4000, 4000 figures.draw_l("F", {"F": "F+F-F", }, {"+": figures.left(pi * 2 / 3), '-': figures.right(pi * 2 / 3), "F": figures.forward(50), }, 7, (255, 0, 0), 2) figures._left(2*pi/3) figures.draw_l("F", {"F": "F+F-F", }, {"+": figures.left(pi * 2 / 3), '-': figures.right(pi * 2 / 3), "F": figures.forward(50), }, 7, (0, 255, 0, 2)) figures._left(2*pi/3) figures.draw_l("F", {"F": "F+F-F", }, {"+": figures.left(pi * 2 / 3), '-': figures.right(pi * 2 / 3), "F": figures.forward(50), }, 7, (0, 0, 255), 2)"D:\\Users\\louis chauvet\\Documents\\GitHub\\fractale\\test.bmp")