function documentation

class main.Figures(im, mode=None)[source]

A lot of function to create some well-know shapes

static _int(value)[source]

Make a tuple of float coordinate into tuple of int coordinate

Parameters:value (tuple) – Tuple to convert
Returns:new tuple with int values
Return type:tuple(int, int)
blanc_manger(origin, finish, iterations, color=None, width=0)[source]

Trace blanc manger curve

  • origin (tuple) – coordinate of the starting point
  • finish (tuple) – coordinate of the ending point
  • iterations (int) – iterations for the drawings
  • color (tuple) – color to use for the lines
  • width (int) – the line width, in pixels
static complex_to_point(point)[source]

Transform tuple to complex

Parameters:point (complex) – Point to convert
Returns:tuple representation of point
Return type:tuple
homothety(point, center=0j, size=0)[source]

Homothety of point in complex plane

  • point (tuple or complex) – point (or list of point) to make homothety
  • center (tuple or complex) – center of homothety
  • size (float) – size of homothety

Homothety of point (or list of homothety of points)

Return type:

tuple or list of tuples

static point_to_complex(point)[source]

Transform tuple to complex

Parameters:point (tuple) – Point to convert
Returns:Complex representation of point
Return type:complex
rotation(point, center=0j, angle=0)[source]

Rotate point in complex plane

  • point (tuple or complex) – point (or list of point) to rotate
  • center (tuple or complex) – center of rotation
  • angle (float) – angle of rotation

Rotated point (or list of rotated points)

Return type:

tuple or list of tuples

translation(point, vect)[source]

Translate point in complex plane

  • point (tuple or complex) – point (or list of point) to translate
  • vect (tuple or complex) – vector of translation

Translated point (or list of translated points)

Return type:

tuple or list of tuples

von_koch_curve(origin, finish, iterations=1, color=None, width=0)[source]

Draw thee von koch flake on image.

  • origin (tuple) – coordinate of the starting point
  • finish (tuple) – coordinate of the ending point
  • iterations (int) – iterations for the drawings
  • color (tuple) – color to use for the lines
  • width (int) – the line width, in pixels
von_koch_curve_flake(origin, radius, iterations, angle=0, color=None, width=0)[source]

Draw thee von koch flake on image.

  • origin (tuple) – coordinate of the center of circumscribed circle of main triangle
  • radius (float) – radius of circumscribed circle of main triangle
  • iterations (int) – iterations for the drawings
  • angle (float) – rotation of main triangle
  • color (tuple) – color to use for the lines
  • width (int) – the line width, in pixels
class main.Lsystem(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Draw a L system


Backward pen of distance

Parameters:distance (float) – Distance to backward

Forward pen of distance

Parameters:distance (float) – Distance to forward

Turn pen to left of angle

Parameters:angle (float) – Angle to rotate

Restore last pen state


Turn pen to right of angle

Parameters:angle (float) – Angle to rotate

Save state of pen


Return a lambda function which make pen backward of distance

Parameters:distance (float) – Distance to build function
Returns:lambda function to make pen backward
Return type:lambda
draw_l(start, replacement, constants, nb_recursive, color=(255, 255, 255), width=0)[source]

Draw a L system

  • start (str) – Axiome
  • replacement (dict) – Dictionary which contain replacement values (F->F+F-F-F+F)
  • constants (dict) – Dictionary which contain all elements with there function
  • nb_recursive (int) – Number of recursion
  • color (tuple) – Color to use for the drawing
  • width (int) – The line width, in pixels

Return a lambda function which make pen forward of distance

Parameters:distance (float) – Distance to build function
Returns:lambda function to make pen forward
Return type:lambda

Return a lambda function which make pen turning of angle radians to left

Parameters:angle (float) – Angle to build function
Returns:lambda function to make pen turning left
Return type:lambda

Return a lambda function which restore state of pen

Returns:lambda function to restore pen state
Return type:lambda

Return a lambda function which make pen turning of angle radians to right

Parameters:angle (float) – Angle to build function
Returns:lambda function to make pen turning right
Return type:lambda

Return a lambda function which save state of pen

Returns:lambda function to save pen state
Return type:lambda
class main.State[source]

State of Lsystem